Concomitant Caesarian section and ovarian ectopic pregnancies: A case report of rarest forms

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Rasha Khudair Abbas Alshammari
Faik T. Al-Gailani
Marwah A.Hussein


twin ectopic gestation, caesarean section scar ectopic pregnancy, ovarian ectopic pregnancy


The ectopic pregnancy is a complication in which the fertilized ovum is implanted any where other than endometrial cavity. This condition presents a substantial risk for sever maternal morbidity and mortality because of change in securing a prompt diagnosis. In general, the incidence of ectopic pregnancy is increased so that the rarest form started to be not uncommon. We report an extremely rare case of twin ectopic pregnancy, one is in a caesarean section scar and the other is in the left ovary. It has been diagnosed by trans-abdominal ultrasound and treated surgically.

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