Estimation of Lipid Profile and Zinc in smoking and Non-Smoking Urban and Rural people of Al Hila city Estimation of Lipid Profile and Zinc in smoking and Non-Smoking Urban and Rural people of Al Hila city

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Alea Farhan Salman
Wiaam Abid Jwair
Inas hazim hameed
Omar Thaer jawad


Lipid profile, Zinc, Smoking, Hila City


The aim of the study was to determine lipid profile (Total cholesterol , Triglycerides, HDL,LDL,vLDL and Zinc levels in smokers and nonsmokers in General Hilla hospital from Urban and Rural people the stusy populations were (16) Smokers as patients group and (16) nonsmokers as control group ,the results showed a high significant levels (P≤0.05) of triglycerides, low significance (P≤0.05) in LDL in smokers when compared with non smokers and no sginficance (P≥0.05) in total cholesterol, HDL and Zn levels ,In the differences between urban and reural ,there are a high significance differences (P≤0.05) in total cholesterol levels, HDL and LDL and low significance (P≤0.05) in vLDL in urban compared with rural people and high significance level. P≤0.05) in Zn levels in male smokers.

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