Non metric traits in permanent dentition among South Indian population - A Forensic overview

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B. Keerthana
Dr. Reshma Poothakulath Krishnan


Non metric traits, extracted teeth, variations, dental, human identification.,innovative technology, novel method


Introduction: Non-metric dental traits are transmissible characteristics of teeth that show variations in their expression both within and between the populations. The significance of these traits are their phenomenon as a pattern in a particular population and their frequency in a particular race. Nonmetric dental traits have an important role in categorisation of a population that helps in forensic ethnic identification purposes. The aim of the study is to assess the frequency of non metric traits in permanent dentition among south indian population.
Materials And Methods: The study was conducted in Saveetha dental college. The study sample included 110 extracted teeth. The non-metric dental traits were examined according to 10 main traits. The teeth were visually examined and accordingly tabulated. Descriptive analysis was done, graph representation of percentage distribution was done using the software SPSS version 23.
Results: The total distribution represents only the 5 mainly available traits among South Indian population, where cusp of carabelli shows the highest count of 22, second highest is the shovelled incisor of count 18, peg shaped lateral incisor of count 10 and interruption groove count of 9 and dryopithecus groove pattern of 7.
Conclusion: The highlighted trait was the cusp of carabelli and shovelled incisor more common among the traits. These traits could be used as one of the substantiation tools for human identification

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