Uses Of Medicinal Flowering Plant Species In Lang Son Province, Vietnam

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Bui Thu Ha
Tran The Bach


Diseases; Lang Son; Flowering Plants; Treatment; Use; Vietnam


Establishment of list 1074 medicinal flowering plant species of 623 genera, 155 families in Lang Son province of Vietnam based on references, studies at herbaria and investigations. 1074 species with coded diseases/uses data. 10 families with rich number of species are Fabaceae (103 species), Euphorbiaceae (91 species), Asteraceae (75 species), Rubiaceae (36 species), Lamiaceae (36 species), Poaceae (33 species), Caesalpiniaceae (27 species), Rosaceae (22 species), Urticaceae (22 species) and Moraceae (21 species). 13 genera with rich number of species are Desmodium (14 species), Ficus (14 species), Solanum (12 species), Crotalaria (11 species), Ardisia (9 species), Euphorbia (9 species), Glochidion (9 species), Bauhinia (8 species), Acacia (7 species), Indigofera (7 species), Litsea (7 species), Mallotus (7 species) and Phyllanthus (7 species). 809 species are used to treat 49 diseases/medical uses (asthma, brain hemorrhage, bronchitis, burned, cancer, cirrhosis, detoxify, diabetes, diuretic, dysentery, encephalitis, eyesore, flu, fracture, galactopoietic, gastritis, gonorrhea, Hemorrhoids, headache, heart and blood pressure diseases, hemostatic, hepatitis, hurt fall, inflammatory bowel, irregular menstruation, keratitis, kidney stone, malaria, measles, mumps, nephritis, obese, oedema, otitis, paralytic, pertussis, pimple, pneumonia, rheumatism, scrofulous, sinusitis, snake bite, sore throat, sterile, syphilis, toothache, tranquillizer, urolithiasis, vaginitis). 26 species are used as dye plants; 79 species are used as edible plants (fruit, seed); 13 species are used as essential oil plants; 15 species are used as fibre plants; 57 species are used as food for animal; 96 species are used as ornamental plants; 77 species are used as timber plants; 141 species are used as vegetable plants. 33 endangered species have been recorded in Vietnam Red Data Book (2007).

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