The causes of post oprarative pain after endodontic treatment by the use of periapical radiography in a sample of karbalaian patients

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Sameer Hatem Abdul Haleem


Nonsurgical root canal treatment, Post-endodontic pain (PEP), Radiographic, Radiographic assessment, longitudinal study.


Objective: Radiographic evaluation and identification of factors affecting post-endodontic pain (PEP) in patients receiving non-surgical root canal treatment.
Study Design: a longitudinal study. Place and duration of the study: The study was conducted on 375 patients (200 males, 175 females), aged between 15-65 years, who randomly attended Dr. Samir Hatem's private clinic in Karbala between 2014-2019.
Materials And Methods: A full history of the patients was taken and examined clinically and then examined radiographically by CSN X-ray machine and Xpod digital sensor to identify possible factors and to assess the condition of pre-treated teeth, the patients were divided into groups according to age, etiological factors, and onset of pain from the patients' chief complain.
Results: (Table 2) shows the differences in the numbers and percentages of patients in general according to the onset and the causative factors of pain after root canal treatment, and the high percentage of pain in 102/ (27.2%) of the patients was due to excessive stretching of the filling materials (most of these patients suffered from pain automatic by 47.05%). Followed by 78 / (20.8%) treatment failure due to lack of fullness of the root canal (most of them 34.61% had intermittent pain).
Conclusion: Periapical X-ray radiography is a valuable technique for identifying causative factors for postendodontic pain and for evaluating random treatment success and the condition of inwardly treated teeth and periapical tissues. Not all procedural errors can be depicted on radiographs.

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