Effect of intralesional levofloxacin in the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis intralesional levofloxacin for cutaneous leishmaniasis treatment

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Dr. Ahmed Hamza Al-Shammari
Ass. Lec. Abdullah Q. Khudhur
Dr. Haidar A Abdulamir


Cutaneous leishmaniosis' Intralesional' Levofloxacin.


Background: Several areas throughout the world are more susceptible to having cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), yet the illness is present all over the world. Skin ulcers are the hallmark of CL, most likely caused by the immune system's attempts to suppress the proliferation of Leishmania parasites.

Objectives: To investigate the effectiveness of intralesional levofloxacin in localized cutaneous leishmaniasis treatment.

Methods: A cohort study was carried on from November 2021 to March 2022 at dermatologist clinic in Badrah district of Wasit province, in the east of Iraq. 50 male and female patients with age ranged from 8-34 (median ±SD; 20±6.58) with localized cutaneous leishmaniasis were enrolled in the study. The diagnosis of localized cutaneous leishmaniasis was done at the clinic. An average dose of 1 mL of Levofloxacin solution for every 1 cm diameter were given subcutaneously to all patients every five days for 3-5 times during the treatment period (median ±SD; 4±0.74).

Results: It was demonstrated that 45 patients out of 50 who received the intralesional levofloxacin showed a response toward treatment and cured completely with a (cure rate of 90%). The diameters of lesion were decreased significantly (p<0.001) from (median ±SD; 20±4.93) to (median ±SD; 15±3.71 mm) that healed completely after (median ±SD; 23±3.99 day). The reduction in the lesion diameter accompanied with a disappearance of ulceration, pain and tenderness at the lesion site which is achieved after complete healing that obtained within one month of treatment. It was observed that the dimeter of lesion before and after treatment were significantly and positively correlated with each other and also positively and significantly correlated with the age, healing time and the number of visits.

Conclusion: Intralesional levofloxacin may have an important role in the treatment of localized cutaneous leishmaniasis as it showed a high effectiveness against the cutaneous lesions due to its antiparasitic activity.



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